Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Torchwood Gossip

Just a few short days ago I finished ploughing through seasons 1 to 4 of Doctor Who on DVD and decided it was time to review what was coming up for the Who fans... not a lot to be honest. Russell has revealed that the filming for season 4 of Torchwood will start in January 2011. This means it will probably be shown on UK television during the summer of 2011... A whole two years after the Children of Earth miniseries was on. That's pretty much the same gap as the one between series 4 and 5 of Doctor Who, but whilst Doctor Who gave us specials to keep our interest, we've had nothing from Torchwood. I'm beginning to forget what even happened... JK!
Anyways, I've got the gossip for you. As you should know by now (If not, SPOILERS!), the majority of the Torchwood team as we know it, is dead (of course, this is the Doctor Who universe. They might not stay dead). We've been left with a heavily pregnant Gwen and an absent Captain Jack. Sources suggest the pair will return along with new regular Rex Matheson, a "CIA agent born to make waves with a wicked sense of humour". Sounds a little bit like Owen to me. Also seems the new team is going to be missing a lot of the geek element. More brawn, less brain... Shame. I like the brains. Other recurring characters include Esther Katusi, another CIA agent. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the CIA is an American organisation. Looks like at least two of our new regulars are American then... plus Captain Jack... no wonder they don't want to shoot in Cardiff. Although the roles aren't cast yet, and there's much chance for change before shooting starts. Also ongoing will be Oswald Jones "convicted murderer and paedophile". Certainly controversial... From what I've heard this new information just supports my worries about the collaboration between the BBC and US network "Starz"... only time will tell.

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