Monday, 28 June 2010

Doctor Who: The Big Bang

Here we go. I'm going to let my inner fan girl out. You have been warned! We've reached the end of series five of "Nu-Who" (that's the name for the newer episodes of Doctor Who, as opposed to the old ones which finished in the 90's). This series has seen some massive changes, a new doctor, a new assistant, new Daleks (I'm... still not ready to talk about the Daleks)... and a new head writer! Steven Moffat. Some say his scripts make better scientific sense that Russell’s... others say they make a lot less sense. Going to have to disagree with both of you there, I haven't noticed any major change, but I try not to over think it. As for the new Doctor, I think I'll always be comparing him the David Tennant, and he'll never really match up (there's something nice about a man in Converse...). However, judging him by his own merit, he's an awesome Doctor. Quirky, odd, loveable, intelligent. His good qualities go on and on... I'll come back to this.

I remember the first episode of Doctor Who I ever watched, side by side with my two best friends. They were long time Who fans and I trust their judgement when they say I should watch something. I always like it. It was The Satan Pit. Now, I remember there wasn't enough time to save the day and they were all going to die (as usual), I asked why The Doctor couldn't just go back in time and make it right, save lives, keep them out of danger. After all, what is the point of a time machine? "He can't interfere with his own time line", my friend answered automatically. Since I've seen the rest of the episodes I've become quite familiar with the rules of time travel. There's that one, and the rule that certain events are meant to happen, and they cannot be changed (proved most poignantly in The Waters on Mars). So we've had at least five series of not interfering with our own time lines... apart from when Amy Pond is involved it would seem. The Doctor uses the Vortex Manipulator ("cheap and nasty time travel, very bad for you, trying to give it up") to zip into his own past several times and even meets himself! Not to mention the entire, getting Amy to remember him thing. It was thrilling to find out the whole Jacket shebang in Crash of the Byzantium was not in fact a continuity error but a wonderfully written little preview of what was to come and an exciting use of time travel. Speaking of Vortex Manipulators, I think they should be wearing them all the time. Just in case of emergency. Like all those times someone has stolen the Tardis. I suppose there'd be no plot... but I'd also like an in-show reason as well please :D Interestingly the one used it this episode was acquired by River on the Black Market by an alien who claimed it was "Fresh off the wrist of a handsome Time Agent". Captain Jack? Not heard from him in a while, hope he's okay...

I was joking when I told a friend that my other friends hated him because he had "insulted their God" (he's not a fan of The Doctor), but this episode the Doctor created a Big Bang and "re-booted" the universe. He's omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent! He talks about miracles happening but he seems to create them more than anything. I know they are never going to come out and say it on the BBC, but as far as Gods go, why not The Doctor? I'd love to see a church of Doctor worshipers in a future episode.
Coming off that, I'd really like to know what The Doctor sees in River Song. They supposedly have this great romantic relationship, but they are so different. I know opposites attract but River has this strong cruel streak seen most clearly when she has that Dalek beg for mercy before she killed it. The Doctor would never have been able to resist letting it live. And he would have NEVER used a gun!
Speaking of romance, lovely wedding scene and I adored having the Tardis being something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. If I ever get married I'm throwing that in somehow... I felt the wedding was overshadowed, however, by Amy's blatant inappropriate behaviour. I've defended Amy a lot over the past few weeks, to people who believe her leaping on The Doctor at the end of Flesh and Stone was rather slutty. I'm forgiving her because he had a near death experience, The Doctor is hot, and she had pre-wedding jitters. Behaviour in this episode is completely different though and cannot be easily excused. The woman has just got married, to a wonderful guy who is clearly very devoted to her and first sight of The Doctor she dashes to him with the words "You absolutely definitely may kiss the bride". It's a good job the gangly man from Galifray is a gentleman, and sends her back to her new husband. Later on she prowls into the Tardis purring "Where are you off? We haven't even had a snog in the shrubbery yet". She's chased in by poor Rory. He's going to have to keep an eye on that one.
Another good thing from the wedding sequence, Matt Smith looks delicious in that suit, scarf and top hat. And bow tie. Bow Ties are cool.

It's a terribly long time until Christmas, when we'll find out what, or who, caused the Tardis to explode. I reckon it was The Master, but then again, I always think it's The Master, and I'm always wrong. The voice on the phone sounded like Davros, but I thought he was dead... then again, it's Doctor Who. Doesn't mean he's going to stay dead. Now then... what am I going to do on Saturday nights?

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Accidentally on Purpose

Did you know America still make sitcoms? No really, I've just finished watching the first two episodes of Accidentally On Purpose. It's got canned laughter and everything! The series had mixed reviews in the US where it aired over autumn. I'm not surprised. It's got a very 90's feel to it, which, despite the popularity of these shows at the time, is not something we really need back. The makers have officially confirmed they won't be making another season, so I'm a little confuzzled as to why they are showing it on E4. Guess they had a slot to fill and it was cheap.

One of the key components to this sort of show is a relatable cast. This was one of the winning features of FRIENDS, everyone felt they related to one of the characters, or could relate to a given plot as the episodes offered a variety of storylines. Accidentally On Purpose lacks this. The main character, Billie, is a 37 year old woman who finds herself suddenly pregnant after a one night stand with a much younger man. It's not a situation many people will ever be in, apart from in their worst nightmares. She doesn't seem to consider any of the complications having a child will bring to her life, her only reasoning being "I might never get another chance". She decides to keep the kid and he decides to stay with her because his dad ran out on him (suppose it's a bit deeper than her reason). He moves in with her, drama ensues.

It's got some laugh out loud funny moments, so I'd say give it a watch because it follows straight on from The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother to keep you laughing on a Thursday night, but don't get too attached because it's certainly not going to be around for long.

It turns out America is suffering the same actor shortage as the UK! Here you might recognise Ashley Jensen, most famous for her role as Christina in Ugly Betty, but also starring in Extras.

Interestingly, one of the guys in it has the same t-shirt as Turk from Scrubs, and my friend James! It's the blue one with the robot on it.

Monday, 21 June 2010

First Day of Wimbledon

Well I'm going to have to apologise again. When I posted my blog last night I was completely unaware of what would happen today.

I woke up, just passed 12, dragged myself out of bed, got dressed and set off for the local Sainsbury’s. Sitting in the humble cafe (never shop on an empty stomach), I flicked through a copy of today’s Daily Mirror. Upon getting to the sports section I was appalled to realise that the first Wimbledon matches were starting at 12. It was already half past 1. Too late to do anything about it then, so I went about my shopping, relieved that at least I wouldn't have missed much on the first day.

Boy was I wrong again. I got home about 3pm to find Rodger Federer failing against Alejandro Falla. I'd never heard of Falla so did a quick Google search to find out he was 60th in the world; by no means an unknown, but a clear underdog. Goody. I do love an underdog. I settled in my chair with a class of cold summer fruits and lemonade, squinting to keep track of the tiny points in the corner of the small screen in our living room.

Of course Federer brought it back during the fourth set. It was like he'd been half heartedly playing the rest of the match in his sleep and just woke up and realised he had a match to win. Poor Falla didn't stand a chance.

I'm no sports commentator, but I do think tennis makes for a nice bit of TV on a lazy summer afternoon. This match was a great start for the first day of Wimbledon, and I'm hoping the twists and turns set the tone for the next two weeks.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Football *headdesk*

NO I'M NOT WATCHING THE FOOTBALL!!! *takes deep breath* NO I'M NOT WATCHING BIG BROTHER!!! *breath*... it's okay... I'm fine... Seriously though, the entire world seems to have stopped moving. The football is all anyone can talk about, and if you do manage to escape, it's all about Big Brother. I'm a student, who’s finished for the summer; my days follow a rather lazy pattern which often involves watching Scrubs at 1pm... or 2pm on E4+1 if I've slept in, so I was pretty put out to find out my favourite hospital comedy had been replaced with... footage of people not doing much at all really... and occasional shots of the sky. What is the point!!! I wasn't overly upset though. I'm used to this crap from channel 4, I consoled myself that it wasn't as bad as the time they axed my morning FRIENDS fix to show people sleeping. I flipped over to ITV in hope of finding the Loose Women having a good bitching session, to find that had been replaced by the football! I gave up and went back to bed. I later found out I'd been a little harsh with ITV. They were showing Loose Women at the same time (12.30pm), just on ITV2.

I'm not overly upset over loosing either of these shows though. They are daytime TV, and let’s face it; I should be doing something a little bit more productive anyway. What really gets to me is that BBC didn't show Waterloo Road on Wednesday! There are only two episodes left and this series has really been dragged on for long enough! It seems to be the first thing to go when the BBC need to rearrange a few things, usually with no notice. I know it's not one of the BBC's shining stars, but it is on its 5th series! It can't get there without a loyal audience, and we deserve a little more respect. So in summary, I expect this blog is going to get a little quiet, due to a complete lack of decent TV!

On the bright side, Saturday night TV went ahead as usual. Since Britain's Got Talent has finished I've got a little bit of a gap in what was a rather comfortable schedule, but I filled it in with Doctor Who Confidential, a show I usually watch on the Sunday morning while trying to build motivation to get out of bed. Doctor Who was awesome, but I'm aware I just sound like a bit of a screaming fan girl when I go on about it, so I'm just going to say, can't wait for next week, and I hope nobody dies... or stays dead... wow my Saturday night is going to be really empty in a fortnight... I might have to get a social life or something.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Glee Finale

I've just finished watching the season finale of Glee! ... I just got that sudden empty feeling when I thought of what I'm going to do next Monday... eeep. Anyways! On with the review!
I'm assuming you've seen Glee, but here's the gist, plucky singing group will be disbanded if they don't win the regional competition.
I've got to admit, I was worried. After watching the performances, it was clear that New Directions were no-where near as good as Vocal Adrenaline. I was afraid they were going to have Vocal Adrenaline win and put it down to them having "more heart". Screw heart, Vocal Adrenaline threw people in the air!!! Fortunately it all came together and, in my view, the right team won. Even though that really didn't seem the way it was going to go when the judges were talking about it. We found out after that Sue definately put New Directions first, it seemed that was the way Josh was going too. Olivia Newton John seemed to be going for Oral Intensity (there's a sentance I never thought I'd say) and that other judge was leaning towards Vocal Adrenaline. So how New Directions came last... well it's a mystery to me, but so are many things on Glee. Like how Quinn gave birth to a rather large and healthy baby a month early, without breaking a sweat!

It was lame and cheesy but when Will flicked onto Don't Stop Believin on the radio it totally melted my heart. I thought the song might be in there somewhere, you know, with it being the final and everything, but it was still a lovely moment. Just when you think all is lost, the song plays and he regains his hope. Though I felt having an all Journey set list was a little excessive for their big show. Furthermore, when our school choir was in competitions we practiced our songs excessively, we didn't just dick around singing what we felt like, then decide to do something completely different in the last week before the final. And they dance as well! Surely they need more practise! But again, it's Glee, it doesn't make sense, so I'll let it go.

What did annoy me about this episode was how the romantic conclusions felt really shoehorned in. I've been moaning about Finn and Rachel for a while. She was mad about him, then they were briefly together, then he was mad about her but she was with Jesse, then it seemed all was fine with them being apart, then suddenly this episode, Rachel just kisses Finn. Then at the competition, he says he loves her! There's no lead up or anything! They just get suddenly thrown back together and we are meant to accept it. It's the same with Rachel and Jesse. Jesse tells the Vocal Adrenaline coach that he is really falling for Rachel but the next episode, he's gone back to Vocal Adrenaline and is throwing eggs at Rachel. Some continuity in relationships would be nice. PLEASE! This is not one of those "it's Glee, so I'll let it slide" things. It's the same with Will and Emma and Quinn and Puck. It's like they just realised there were loose ends to be tied up and threw something in the script at the last minute. I'd rather they'd left it open and dealt with it next series... because we ALL know there will be another series.

The "Over The Rainbow" ending bought a tear to my eye, even though it was corny (last time, what do you expect from Glee?). They might have been better off with another song, because this song gets dragged out a lot for endings, the one springing to mind being on that episode of Scrubs, but I'm sure there's been many, many more. Maybe I was just disappointed because a part of me really wanted him to play Exterminate, Regenerate when he pulled out that uke... even though that really wouldn't have fitted, and I can't imagine there's a lot of crossover between obsessive Dr Who fans and Glee watchers... though I do know at least 2... interesting theory there.

So in summary, more cheesy goodness and nonsensical story lines from Glee. My eyes watered several times, but I never actually cried, so it's not the best season finale I've ever watched, but it rates quite highly. I've really enjoyed this season of Glee. It's been fun and sad in all the right places and bought my house together a little bit. Can't wait for the next series :D

Monday, 14 June 2010

BBC Pilots

Total Pilot overload! Thursday night saw not one, but two brand new BBC3 pilots. These follow the pilot of Pulse I reported on last week in BBC's whole procession of new drama. I was busy Thursday night, so I've been catching up on the trusty old I-Player.
Dappers is a brave attempt by the BBC, directed by Catherine Johnson (writer of Mamma Mia!), to get a bit of sympathy for a social group that is mostly looked down upon. Ashley and Faye are young, un-married mothers, struggling to raise their kids in a council flat in Bristol. They are sold as the new Delboy and Rodney. Looks like it's going to be a new get rich quick scheme each week. Following in the footsteps of Pulse, Dappers is also trying to set itself out to be "edgy". This time it's drug use and casual swearing. I've got to admit, I didn't really warm to the girls, and their respective love interests repulse me. The girls are irresponsible and childish, to say they are meant to be in charge of toddlers. The show is trying to avoid the doom and and gloom of this sort of life, and show the girls trying to make the best of a bad situation. It's funny in a cartoonish sort of way, as disaster after disaster unfolds on screen. I'd say give it a shot if you enjoyed Only Fools and Horses, but only if you can stomache the strong Bristol accent. For those playing along, you might recognise Lenora Chrichlow who plays Ashley. Seems the BBC just can't get enough of this girl at the moment, this is her third recent drama after Being Human and Material Girl. Those with better memories will also recall her appearances in Sugar Rush, several episodes of Casualty (but everyone's been on Casualty :P), and even an episode of Doctor Who. Keep your eyes open, I've got a feeling we'll see a lot more of her yet. At the very least, filming has started on Season 3 of Being Human!
Finishing thought, what is a dapper? Answers on a postcard... or you know... in the comments section.
Next up is Stanley Park. It's another drama about those lovely college kids. These annoy me no end. I went to college with 2000 other teenagers. While I've no doubt that some lived the sex, drugs and rave lifestyle, we didn't all. These dramas make out that even the tamest and nerdiest students are stoned every other night and in and out of each others beds like it's a game of musical chairs. Debbie fancies herself as the Carrie Bradshaw of Croydon and is deeply in to fashion design. For some reason no-one tells her she looks like a cheap hooker... maybe that's the edge of style in Croydon?
It's pretty painful watching in parts... like I said, I'm pretty sure we weren't that messed up at that age. You've got the two who should be together, but aren't, because they never say the right thing. Then he does the dirty with Debbie and everything gets really messed up. The situation isn't helped by Ben. I couldn't help but wonder what decade the show is meant to set in. Ben is clearly at least very camp, and all his friends say they know he's gay, but he insists he's not, like he's ashamed or something... At the end of the day though, the characters are annoying, whiny and unrealistic. I won't be watching again.
You get double points for getting the familiar face in this episode. Nick Blood is briefly featured as Harry Stevens. You might recognise him as a supporting character from Material Girl, acting oposite our girl Lenora.