Friday, 4 June 2010

Being Human... in America?

A ghost, a vampire and werewolf live in a house in... BOSTON?!? The rumours have been confirmed! The American channel SyFi is doing a remake of Being Human. Actors and such are yet to be confirmed, but they are just starting to release drips and drops about the show. The first thing that occured to me is, why? I mean, the English version of BH is great! How would re-hashing the story with American actors in an American city be anything other than a massive waste of money. It's not like Americans don't speak English!
The shows creators went on to justify their remake my saying they are going to change the whole dynamic of the show, in order to make it more appropriate for an American audience. So far, I've gathered that they seem to be turning our beloved characters into stereotypes. George will become "The Geeky One", oh, and they are changing his name to Josh. Is George difficult for American's to say? Or is it just a very british name? Mitchell is going to become "very obviously Jewish"... uh... because all american shows need to contain a certain number of minorities? Goodness knows. There's been no word of what they are going to do to Annie yet, but my money's on dumb blonde.
The thing that really gets me about this is that I've not heard a single American go "ooh yay!". Popular opinion seems to be that they would prefer to get the English version on a more widely available channel. Because there's nothing wrong with it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! But who knows they may stop it, after all they didn't go through with making torchwood: America
