Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Glee Finale

I've just finished watching the season finale of Glee! ... I just got that sudden empty feeling when I thought of what I'm going to do next Monday... eeep. Anyways! On with the review!
I'm assuming you've seen Glee, but here's the gist, plucky singing group will be disbanded if they don't win the regional competition.
I've got to admit, I was worried. After watching the performances, it was clear that New Directions were no-where near as good as Vocal Adrenaline. I was afraid they were going to have Vocal Adrenaline win and put it down to them having "more heart". Screw heart, Vocal Adrenaline threw people in the air!!! Fortunately it all came together and, in my view, the right team won. Even though that really didn't seem the way it was going to go when the judges were talking about it. We found out after that Sue definately put New Directions first, it seemed that was the way Josh was going too. Olivia Newton John seemed to be going for Oral Intensity (there's a sentance I never thought I'd say) and that other judge was leaning towards Vocal Adrenaline. So how New Directions came last... well it's a mystery to me, but so are many things on Glee. Like how Quinn gave birth to a rather large and healthy baby a month early, without breaking a sweat!

It was lame and cheesy but when Will flicked onto Don't Stop Believin on the radio it totally melted my heart. I thought the song might be in there somewhere, you know, with it being the final and everything, but it was still a lovely moment. Just when you think all is lost, the song plays and he regains his hope. Though I felt having an all Journey set list was a little excessive for their big show. Furthermore, when our school choir was in competitions we practiced our songs excessively, we didn't just dick around singing what we felt like, then decide to do something completely different in the last week before the final. And they dance as well! Surely they need more practise! But again, it's Glee, it doesn't make sense, so I'll let it go.

What did annoy me about this episode was how the romantic conclusions felt really shoehorned in. I've been moaning about Finn and Rachel for a while. She was mad about him, then they were briefly together, then he was mad about her but she was with Jesse, then it seemed all was fine with them being apart, then suddenly this episode, Rachel just kisses Finn. Then at the competition, he says he loves her! There's no lead up or anything! They just get suddenly thrown back together and we are meant to accept it. It's the same with Rachel and Jesse. Jesse tells the Vocal Adrenaline coach that he is really falling for Rachel but the next episode, he's gone back to Vocal Adrenaline and is throwing eggs at Rachel. Some continuity in relationships would be nice. PLEASE! This is not one of those "it's Glee, so I'll let it slide" things. It's the same with Will and Emma and Quinn and Puck. It's like they just realised there were loose ends to be tied up and threw something in the script at the last minute. I'd rather they'd left it open and dealt with it next series... because we ALL know there will be another series.

The "Over The Rainbow" ending bought a tear to my eye, even though it was corny (last time, what do you expect from Glee?). They might have been better off with another song, because this song gets dragged out a lot for endings, the one springing to mind being on that episode of Scrubs, but I'm sure there's been many, many more. Maybe I was just disappointed because a part of me really wanted him to play Exterminate, Regenerate when he pulled out that uke... even though that really wouldn't have fitted, and I can't imagine there's a lot of crossover between obsessive Dr Who fans and Glee watchers... though I do know at least 2... interesting theory there.

So in summary, more cheesy goodness and nonsensical story lines from Glee. My eyes watered several times, but I never actually cried, so it's not the best season finale I've ever watched, but it rates quite highly. I've really enjoyed this season of Glee. It's been fun and sad in all the right places and bought my house together a little bit. Can't wait for the next series :D

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