Tuesday, 8 June 2010

New Torchwood :O

Torchwood will return! "Glorious news", I thought, upon reading the text message from my friend. I love Torchwood. It's everything I want from my sci-fi. Intrigue, danger and romance. The happiness soon wore off after reading a little more about what we may have sacrificed to keep this show.

Firstly, the BBC appears to have been reluctant to make a new series. In retrospect this decision was probably made a while ago. They killed off the majority of characters at the end of Children Of Earth. Coming back would now involve the creation and integration of several new characters, which might be quite difficult for fans to warm to. It seems the BBC has caved because they are receiving funding from an American TV network "Starz Entertainment". They use a "z" instead of an "s". I hate them already. The show was formerly produced solely by BBC Wales, but the new series will have input from "Starz" and BBC Worldwide. BBC Worldwide is the commercial division of the BBC, which sells BBC shows to networks in other countries. Little BBC Wales appears to be playing with the big boys on this one.

I've got some concerns about what this new arrangement will mean for the show. We full well end up with the "Torchwood America" many people want to avoid. One of the charming things about the first two series of Torchwood has been the location. I've got a bit of a thing about Wales, and I found a new threat to Cardiff every week to be very amusing. All of course rotating around the mysterious rift. The new series will be shot partly in America and feature filming from around the world. Sounds like fewer Welsh accents for starters. They've also promised that the new series will have "global stakes". It's a worry that they might be forgetting that Torchwood is meant to be a Doctor Who spin off. The point is Torchwood takes care of Cardiff, and leaves the big stuff for The Doctor. Going too far away from this system will destroy the beautiful relationship between the two series. And I'll miss the crossovers. I love crossover.

Really, my main concerns here are the same as my concerns for Being Human America. I'm worried that they feel they need to change things to make it more suitable for an American or global audience. Bigger explosions, stereotypical characters and meeting in Starbucks to discuss emotions.

I don't want to sound like I'm trashing American TV. Some of my favourite shows are American, like Friends, Glee, Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory, but I want to keep my British shows British and the thought of Torchwood leaving Cardiff is a very sad one.

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